Image from page 665 of "Transactions" (1852)
Identifier: transactions58nort Title:">Transactions Year:">1852 (">1850s) Authors:">North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, Newcastle-upon-Tyne">North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Report of the Committee upon mechanical coalcutting, 1905 Subjects:">Mineral industries">Mechanical engineering Publisher:">Newcastle-upon-Tyne View Book Page:" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Book Viewer About This Book:" rel="noreferrer nofollow">Catalog Entry View All Images:">All Images From Book Click here to" rel="noreferrer nofollow">view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: e coal slides on the inclined sides of thehopper down to the conveying belt. When this plant waserected, the company anticipated that difficulties would arise indischarging the large lumps of coal through the bottom door ofthe hopper, but the official tests have already proved that suchfears were groundless. The plantbeing an ex-perimental one,nothing special-ly had been pro-vided with re-gard to obtain-ing a quick mov-ing of wagons ;but, in the per-manent instal-lations, specialgravity roadswill be providedfor the full andempty wagons,and also hydrau-lic or electrictipping ramsfor dischargingend-door wag-ons. The generalarrangement ofthis conveyorwas designed byMr. T.M. Newel,the dock en-gineer of the North-eastern Railway Company, in conjunctionwith the makers, Messrs. Eraser & Chalmers, Limited, London. The two principal factors in favour of the system are thelarge loading capacities obtainable and the small initial cost.It is self-evident that much economy in power can also be Text Appearing After Image: Fig. 35. —General View of Belt-arrangement,North Eastern Railway Companys VictoriaDock, Hull. COAL-SHIPMEXT AND THE LAYIXG-OUT OF STAITHE HEADS. 173 effected, as the railway wagons need not be lifted, but onlythe actual load of coal; and, as there is a constant stream ofcoal being discharged, and no time is lost by lifting the cars,it is clear that the capacity surpasses anything that has beenaccomplished up to the present moment by any single mechan-ical appliance. The upkeep and attendance required bythis method is a minimum, as the belt-conveyor consistsof two parts only, the moving belts (Fig. 35) and the stationarysupporting rollers (Fig. 36). At the present moment it has beendecided to instal various plants of this type in this country. Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 4 years ago
Viewed: 499 times
Picture Taken: 1852-01-01T00:00:00 -
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