The State Management Story
"The State Management Scheme was introduced into Carlisle and the surrounding area in 1916 as an attempt by the Government to control the drinking habits of the people in the area and reduce drunkenness during the First World War. Navvies from the Gretna munitions works, the largest munitions factory in Europe, flooded into Carlisle with high wages and a thirst to quench. Once the factory was built, large numbers of young female workers were also employed as munition workers. Problems with drunken navvies had been one of the reasons for state control with wild behaviour shocking the respectable citizens of Carlisle. Hung over munition workers and explosives do not mix so the need for control was even greater. The threat of Rebellion As World War I raged, 1916 saw the cause of Irish Nationalism explode into bloody conflict on Dublin’s streets. Many navvies were Irishmen. Could rebellion spread to Britain? Alcohol was to be curbed to dampen revolutionary fire...." -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 4 years, 3 months ago
Viewed: 388 times
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