Topics > Tyne and Wear > Newcastle upon Tyne > Heaton > Ravenswood Primary School
Ravenswood Primary School
Located on Ravenswood Road in Heaton, Ravenswood is one of the largest primary schools in Newcastle. It is a foundation school with about 650 pupils aged 3 to 11.[1] The school is part of the Ouseburn Learning Trust partnership of primary schools. The school building, designed in an H plan, is an early example of a modern primary school. It is included in Newcastle's List of buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Interest.

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
Tor087, Ravenswood School, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
037923:Ravenswood School, Ravenswood Road, Heaton, City Engineers 1977
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from http://www.ravenswood.newcast…
Ravenswood Primary School
- Official Website of the School.
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://get-information-schoo…
Ravenswood Primary School
- The 'Get information about schools' site includes information about each school, its governors, links to Ofsted inspection reports etc.
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from http://www.ouseburnlearningtr…
Ouseburn Learning Trust
- "A unique group of seven Primary Schools and one Secondary School in the East of Newcastle upon Tyne working together to empower young people to excel as individuals and contribute …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Tyne and Wear HER(9860): Heaton, Ravenswood Terrace, Ravenswood Primary School
- "Ravenswood Primary School is an early example of a modern primary school. It is mostly low level, although occasionally there are two storeys. It was designed in an H plan, …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
Tor087, Ravenswood School, Heaton, Newcastle upon Tyne
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
037923:Ravenswood School, Ravenswood Road, Heaton, City Engineers 1977
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from http://www.ravenswood.newcast…
Ravenswood Primary School
- Official Website of the School.
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://get-information-schoo…
Ravenswood Primary School
- The 'Get information about schools' site includes information about each school, its governors, links to Ofsted inspection reports etc.
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from http://www.ouseburnlearningtr…
Ouseburn Learning Trust
- "A unique group of seven Primary Schools and one Secondary School in the East of Newcastle upon Tyne working together to empower young people to excel as individuals and contribute …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Tyne and Wear HER(9860): Heaton, Ravenswood Terrace, Ravenswood Primary School
- "Ravenswood Primary School is an early example of a modern primary school. It is mostly low level, although occasionally there are two storeys. It was designed in an H plan, …
Added by
Simon Cotterill