Topics > Northumberland > Allendale Town > Kings Head, Allendale
Kings Head, Allendale
The Kings Head is a public house located on the north side of the Market Place in Allendale Town. The former inn dates from the early 18th century. It was previously called The Kings Head Hotel. The building is Grade II listed on the National Heritage List for England.

from Allen Valleys Local History (flickr)
Allendale market Square 1900 [0002-170]
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from https://www.kingsheadpuballen…
The Kings Head
- Official Website of The Kings Head, Allerdale Town
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Allen Valleys Local History (flickr)
Allendale market Square 1900 [0002-170]
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from https://www.kingsheadpuballen…
The Kings Head
- Official Website of The Kings Head, Allerdale Town
Added by
Simon Cotterill