Topics > Tyne and Wear > South Tyneside > South Shields > Marine Park > Herma Merma Dragora (sculpture)
Herma Merma Dragora (sculpture)
Sculpture by Richard Broderick, 2009, located in South Marine Park, South Shields. The work was commissioned by South Tyneside Metropolitan Borough Council. It involved children from Westoe Crown Primary School, who created clay models of strange creatures that they imagined secretly living in the park! Drawing on these, the sculptor then created this mythical creature, named 'Herma Merma Dragora'.

Herma Merma Dragora
- Richard Broderick (b.1963)
South Marine Park, South Shields, Tyne and Wear "The work is made from ceramic, bronze and concrete mounted on a Victorian style plinth. The artist worked with …
Added by
Peter Smith

Herma Merma Dragora
- Richard Broderick (b.1963)
South Marine Park, South Shields, Tyne and Wear "The work is made from ceramic, bronze and concrete mounted on a Victorian style plinth. The artist worked with …
Added by
Peter Smith