Topics > Tyne and Wear > North Tyneside > North Shields > North Shields Fish Quay > Crane House, Duke Street
Crane House, Duke Street
Crane House Vaults is a former public house, now apartments, located on Duke Street in North Shields, opposite Ferry Mews. The building has an attractive glazed frontage and a crest "Rebuilt 1905". It was known as The Crane Hotel (photo, 1926). The pub was renamed 'The Chain Locker' in 1986. In 2005, it was converted to flats, with new building to the rear, but retaining the front of the former public house. The building is on the Local Register of heritage assets for North Tyneside.
A property known as the "Crane House" is listed in records from 1833 onwards at 44 Duke Street, 2 New Quay, 2 Duke Street and 50 Duke Street. It was owned by Mrs Ann Kirby until she died in 1837 or 1838. The house at the rear was called Kirby's House built onto Kirby's Bank. The properties were listed as houses, shops and pubs. They passed into the hands of W.H. Allison and Co., who operated a brewery in one of the buildings, and went on in 1890 to form the Newcastle Breweries with four other brewery companies. By 1880 the collection of buildings on Duke Street consisted of The Crane House, with a small maltings to the rear, and the adjoining Crown and Thistle pub with stables to the rear. Next to this were warehouses and cottages. In 1905 the Crane House and malting was demolished and rebuilt set back from the road by Joseph Oswald and Son. The surviving building is of two storeys with an oriel window on the first floor. The ground floor is faced in glazed faience. (Sitelines)

from https://sitelines.newcastle.g…
Duke Street, Chain Locker Public House
- A property known as the "Crane House" is listed in records from 1833 onwards at 44 Duke Street, 2 New Quay, 2 Duke Street and 50 Duke Street. It was …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Geograph (geograph)
Former 'Chain Locker' Public House, North Shields
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from https://sitelines.newcastle.g…
Duke Street, Chain Locker Public House
- A property known as the "Crane House" is listed in records from 1833 onwards at 44 Duke Street, 2 New Quay, 2 Duke Street and 50 Duke Street. It was …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Geograph (geograph)
Former 'Chain Locker' Public House, North Shields
Pinned by Simon Cotterill