Topics > Northumberland > East Woodburn > Chairford Bridge
Chairford Bridge
Chairford Bridge, in East Woodburn, carries the road over Lisles Burn. It is a stone hup-backed bridge, built in the early 19th century. Chairford Bridge is Grade II listed on the National Heritage List for England.

CHAIRFORD BRIDGE - East Woodburn - List Entry
- "Bridge. Early C19. Dressed stone. Single segmental arch framed by arch band. A hump-backed bridge; parapets have steeply ridged coping..."
Added by
Simon Cotterill

CHAIRFORD BRIDGE - East Woodburn - List Entry
- "Bridge. Early C19. Dressed stone. Single segmental arch framed by arch band. A hump-backed bridge; parapets have steeply ridged coping..."
Added by
Simon Cotterill