from Flickr (flickr)
br109656 ancient chairs cartmel priory church real photo uk
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from https://historicengland.org.u…
PRIORY CHURCH OF ST MARY - Cartmel - List Entry
- "Former Priory Church. Chancel, Piper choir, transepts, 1190-1220; Town choir c1330; nave and aisles, tower and tracery (except Town choir) 1395-1420; south porch c1613; vestry 1677. Ashlar; nave dressed stone …
Added by
Edmund Anon

from Flickr (flickr)
br109656 ancient chairs cartmel priory church real photo uk
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from https://historicengland.org.u…
PRIORY CHURCH OF ST MARY - Cartmel - List Entry
- "Former Priory Church. Chancel, Piper choir, transepts, 1190-1220; Town choir c1330; nave and aisles, tower and tracery (except Town choir) 1395-1420; south porch c1613; vestry 1677. Ashlar; nave dressed stone …
Added by
Edmund Anon