Topics > Tyne and Wear > Newcastle upon Tyne > Benwell > Benwell Colliery (1766 - 1938)
Benwell Colliery (1766 - 1938)
There are numerous coal seams around Benwell. Seams near the surface and above river level were mostly worked out in former times. Then on 8th April 1766 Charlotte Pit was sunk (grid ref: NZ217643); in 1809 two more pits were sunk: Beaumont Pit and Edward Pit (grid ref: NZ212650).[1] A waggonway carried coal from the Edward, Charlotte, and Beaumont pits to the staithes on the River Tyne for loading onto ships for transport.

Benwell Colliery
- "This colliery is situated nearly 3 miles west from Newcastle, and is one of the most ancient on the Tyne. It contains the whole series of the coal seams in …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://stjameschurchnewcastl…
Benwell's Lost Coal Mines: A Walking Trail
- Walk, with historic maps and photographs. "The walk follows the route of the waggonway which carried coal from the Edward,
Charlotte, and Beaumont pits to the staithes on the riverbank …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Tyne and Wear HER(4081): Benwell Colliery, Charley/Charlotte Pit
- "Charley Pit (Coal). This is named as the Charlotte Pit on the 2nd edition OS mapping. Opened in April 1766 as part of Benwell Colliery, owned by W. Cochrane Carr …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Benwell Colliery
- "This colliery is situated nearly 3 miles west from Newcastle, and is one of the most ancient on the Tyne. It contains the whole series of the coal seams in …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://stjameschurchnewcastl…
Benwell's Lost Coal Mines: A Walking Trail
- Walk, with historic maps and photographs. "The walk follows the route of the waggonway which carried coal from the Edward,
Charlotte, and Beaumont pits to the staithes on the riverbank …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Tyne and Wear HER(4081): Benwell Colliery, Charley/Charlotte Pit
- "Charley Pit (Coal). This is named as the Charlotte Pit on the 2nd edition OS mapping. Opened in April 1766 as part of Benwell Colliery, owned by W. Cochrane Carr …
Added by
Simon Cotterill