Topics > Northumberland > Northumberland Parishes and Townships - 1855 > Bambrough Ward,1855
Bambrough Ward,1855
Extract from: History, Topography, and Directory of Northumberland...Whellan, William, & Co, 1855.
This Ward is bounded on the north by Islandshire, on the west by Glendale Ward, on the south by Coquetdale Ward, and on the east by the German Ocean. It is divided into two divisions North and South, whose united area is 69,263 statute acres. The number of its inhabitants in 1801, was 8,330; in 1841, 10,944; and in 1851, it had increased to 12,336 souls. Barnbrough Ward possesses a fine fertile soil, particularly on the banks of the Aln, and in the eastern district. The surface is generally level, though in the northern portion of the ward, there are some gentle elevations. It is irrigated by several rivulets, which pursuing an easterly course fall into the German Ocean. The following table exhibits the names of the parishes, their acreage, number of houses, and population in 1851.