Topics > Newcastle City Centre > Streets > Westgate Road > 56 Westgate Road (former County Court)
56 Westgate Road (former County Court)
No. 56, Westgate Road in Newcastlle is the former County Court, built in 1864. The sandstone Classical-style building is Grade II listed on the National Heritage List for England. It is now occupied by David Gray Solicitors.

County Court and gates, piers and railings to front, 56 Westgate Road - Newcastle - List Entry
- "County Court building. Dated 1864. Sandstone ashlar with rusticated quoins to upper floors; dark slate roof. Classical style.
Three storeys, five bays and archway at left. Steps up to double …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Flickr (flickr)
Former County Court House, 1864/5 by Charles Reeves, Westagte Road, Newcastle upon Tyne now David Gray Solicitors
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

County Court and gates, piers and railings to front, 56 Westgate Road - Newcastle - List Entry
- "County Court building. Dated 1864. Sandstone ashlar with rusticated quoins to upper floors; dark slate roof. Classical style.
Three storeys, five bays and archway at left. Steps up to double …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Flickr (flickr)
Former County Court House, 1864/5 by Charles Reeves, Westagte Road, Newcastle upon Tyne now David Gray Solicitors
Pinned by Simon Cotterill