Topics > Tyne and Wear > North Tyneside > Weetslade > Weetslade Colliery (1903 - 1966)
Weetslade Colliery (1903 - 1966)
The sinking of Weetslade Colliery began on the 6th of August 1900 and the colliery opened in c.1903. Weetslade had workings connected with the nearby Burradon Colliery, though the two mines had separate ventilation systems.[1] The colliery was on a branch of the Seaton Burn Wagonway.[2] In the 1910s Weetslade Colliery was owned by the Burradon & Coxlodge Coal Co. Ltd., and then in the 1940's by the Hazlerigg & Burradon Coal Co.[3] In 1947 Weetslade Colliery was recorded as producing 160,000 tons of coal for household, manufacturing and steam production. By 1960 there were 638 people employed at the colliery (488 working below ground and 150 working on the surface). Weetslade Colliery closed on the 10th of September 1966. The site continued to be used as a washery until 1980 before being left abandoned. Many years later the site was landscaped to become Weetslade Colliery Country Park, which opened in 2006.[4]

Tyne and Wear HER(5445): Weetslade Colliery
- "A shaft was sunk at Weetslade was sunk and colliery buildings constructed from 1900. The colliery is first shown on Ordnance Survey third edition of 1920 as 'Burradon (Lizzie) Pit'. …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

  Co-Curate Page
Burradon Colliery (1820 - 1975)
- The colliery at Burradon was sunk by Lord Ravensworth & Partners in c.1820. A waggonway from Burradon Colliery was built running to West Moor Pit in Killingworth for onward transport …

  Co-Curate Page
Seaton Burn Wagonway
- Brunton & Shields Railway, opened in 1826 by the Grand Allies, and built by Benjamin Thompson, extended in 1837. From 1878 it was overlayed by the Seaton Burn Wagonway. Today …

  Co-Curate Page
Weetslade Country Park
- Overview Map Street View Weetslade Country Park is located between Wide Open and Dudley, at the junction B1319 /A189. It was officially opened as Weetslade Country Park by environmentalist David Bellamy …

Tyne and Wear HER(5449): Weetslade Colliery, Pit Head Baths
- "Rare surviving example of a modern component of colleries in the north-east region. Although some examples are known as early as 1911, such facilities were routinely provided only after the …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Tyne and Wear HER(5447): Weetslade Colliery, Metal Bridge
- "Small metal bridge, probably early 19th century, spanning a cut through the embankment of the Brunton and Shields Railway/Seatonburn Wagonway (HER 1065)...."
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Weetslade Country Park celebrates its 10th anniversary
- The Land Trust 30th June 2016. "Weetslade Country Park is celebrating its 10 year anniversary since being unveiled to the public, having been transformed from an abandoned colliery site to …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Tyne and Wear HER(5445): Weetslade Colliery
- "A shaft was sunk at Weetslade was sunk and colliery buildings constructed from 1900. The colliery is first shown on Ordnance Survey third edition of 1920 as 'Burradon (Lizzie) Pit'. …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

  Co-Curate Page
Burradon Colliery (1820 - 1975)
- The colliery at Burradon was sunk by Lord Ravensworth & Partners in c.1820. A waggonway from Burradon Colliery was built running to West Moor Pit in Killingworth for onward transport …

  Co-Curate Page
Seaton Burn Wagonway
- Brunton & Shields Railway, opened in 1826 by the Grand Allies, and built by Benjamin Thompson, extended in 1837. From 1878 it was overlayed by the Seaton Burn Wagonway. Today …

  Co-Curate Page
Weetslade Country Park
- Overview Map Street View Weetslade Country Park is located between Wide Open and Dudley, at the junction B1319 /A189. It was officially opened as Weetslade Country Park by environmentalist David Bellamy …

Tyne and Wear HER(5449): Weetslade Colliery, Pit Head Baths
- "Rare surviving example of a modern component of colleries in the north-east region. Although some examples are known as early as 1911, such facilities were routinely provided only after the …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Tyne and Wear HER(5447): Weetslade Colliery, Metal Bridge
- "Small metal bridge, probably early 19th century, spanning a cut through the embankment of the Brunton and Shields Railway/Seatonburn Wagonway (HER 1065)...."
Added by
Simon Cotterill

Weetslade Country Park celebrates its 10th anniversary
- The Land Trust 30th June 2016. "Weetslade Country Park is celebrating its 10 year anniversary since being unveiled to the public, having been transformed from an abandoned colliery site to …
Added by
Simon Cotterill