Topics > Tees Valley > Hartlepool > Hartlepool Headland > Town Wall and Sandwell Gate
Town Wall and Sandwell Gate

from Geograph (geograph)
The site of the first boat yard on the headland hartlepool
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

TOWN WALL AND SANDWELL GATE - Hartlepool - List Entry
- "Town fortifications/retaining wall, fronting onto Commissioners' Harbour; early C14. Roughly-dressed and coursed limestone and random rubble limestone. Between 4m and 6m high; between 2m and 3m thick; approximately 380m long, …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Geograph (geograph)
The site of the first boat yard on the headland hartlepool
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

TOWN WALL AND SANDWELL GATE - Hartlepool - List Entry
- "Town fortifications/retaining wall, fronting onto Commissioners' Harbour; early C14. Roughly-dressed and coursed limestone and random rubble limestone. Between 4m and 6m high; between 2m and 3m thick; approximately 380m long, …
Added by
Simon Cotterill