from http://www.surteessociety.org…
The Surtees Society
- Official Website of The Surtees Society. "The Surtees Society is dedicated to the publication of manuscripts illustrative of the history of the ancient kingdom of Northumbria, principally of County Durham …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://openlibrary.org/works…
Durham protestations: The returns made to the House of Commons in 1641/2 for the maintenance of the Protestant religion for the county palatine of Durham, for the borough of Berwick-upon-Tweed and the parish of Morpeth.
- Digitised version of the book first published 1922 the Surtees Society by Andrews & Co. and, B. Quaritch, ltd. in Durham, London . eBook in a variety of formats or …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

  Co-Curate Page
Robert Surtees (1779 - 1834)
- Overview About Robert Surtees 1834 (February 11). Died, at his seat of Mainsforth, aged 55, Robert Surtees, esq., M. A., F.S. A., and the historian of the county of Durham. …

from http://www.surteessociety.org…
The Surtees Society
- Official Website of The Surtees Society. "The Surtees Society is dedicated to the publication of manuscripts illustrative of the history of the ancient kingdom of Northumbria, principally of County Durham …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from https://openlibrary.org/works…
Durham protestations: The returns made to the House of Commons in 1641/2 for the maintenance of the Protestant religion for the county palatine of Durham, for the borough of Berwick-upon-Tweed and the parish of Morpeth.
- Digitised version of the book first published 1922 the Surtees Society by Andrews & Co. and, B. Quaritch, ltd. in Durham, London . eBook in a variety of formats or …
Added by
Simon Cotterill