Topics > Cumbria > Haverthwaite > The Anglers Arms

The Anglers Arms

The Anglers Arms is a pub and restaurant located on Old Barrow Road in Haverthwaite, close to the River Leven (presumably why it gets it's name). There isn't much readily available information on it's history, but one source says it was originally built in 1835 as a coaching inn[1] (consistent with it's position on the old road from Ulverston to Keswick, prior to the building of the modern A590). It is also said that it was previously called the Lowwood Inn, yet it is located in Haverthwaite , rather than the nearby village of Lowwood, which is just across the River Leven.[2]

from Geograph (geograph)
The Anglers Arms at Haverthwaite

Pinned by Simon Cotterill
from Geograph (geograph)
Anglers Arms, Haverthwaite

Pinned by Simon Cotterill


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