Topics > Newcastle City Centre > Civic Centre > Swans in Flight (sculpture)
Swans in Flight (sculpture)
The 'Swans in Flight' sculpture by David Wynne was completed in 1968. The bronze statue had been commissioned for new Civic Centre in Newcastle. It is based on Hans Hartvig Seedorff Pederson's 'The Swans from the North', a Scandinavian poem - the Five Swans, representing the five Scandinavian countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Finland).

from Geograph (geograph)
Swans in Flight Sculpture, Newcastle Civic Centre
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

Tyne and Wear HER(10910): Newcastle, Barras Bridge, Civic Centre, 'Swans In Flight'
- "1968 by David Wynne. A bronze statue commissioned for the then new Civic Centre. It is based on Hans Hartvig Seedorff Pederson's 'The Swans from the North', a Scandinavian poetic …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
016931:'Swans in Flight' sculpture Civic Centre Barras Bridge Newcastle upon Tyne Signey James 1969
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

from Geograph (geograph)
Swans in Flight Sculpture, Newcastle Civic Centre
Pinned by Simon Cotterill

Tyne and Wear HER(10910): Newcastle, Barras Bridge, Civic Centre, 'Swans In Flight'
- "1968 by David Wynne. A bronze statue commissioned for the then new Civic Centre. It is based on Hans Hartvig Seedorff Pederson's 'The Swans from the North', a Scandinavian poetic …
Added by
Simon Cotterill

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
016931:'Swans in Flight' sculpture Civic Centre Barras Bridge Newcastle upon Tyne Signey James 1969
Pinned by Simon Cotterill