Castle Dairy
Identifier: annalsofkendalbe00nich Title:">The annals of Kendal: being a historical and descriptive account of Kendal and the neighbourhood: with biographical sketches of many eminent personages connected with the town Year:">1861 (">1860s) Authors:">Nicholson, Cornelius, 1804-1889. [from old catalog] Subjects: Publisher:">London, Whitaker & co"> [etc., etc.] Contributing Library:">The Library of Congress Digitizing Sponsor:">The Library of Congress View Book Page:" rel="nofollow">Book Viewer About This Book:" rel="nofollow">Catalog Entry View All Images:">All Images From Book Click here to" rel="nofollow">view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: melancholyto the midnight moonshine that sleeps upon thy moulderingbattlements ! There are two appurtenances of this ancient castle tonotice, viz. the Castle Mills, and the Castle Dairy. Castle Mills are situated on the west side of the castle, notfar from the river ; and on a stream of water which is turned H 98 ANCIENT RESIDENCES. from the main-course of the river, by a wear or dam. Thesemills appear to have been erected for the purpose of grindingcorn for the castle : and there is still the remains of an arch,which probably formed part of the ancient structure. Weconclude that the tithes of these mills formed an item in theancient endowment of the church: for in the general eccle-siastical survey of Henry VIII. they are stated to amount to6s. 8d. (Decim molend. Castell vis. vine?.) This property belonged to the Corporation until the year1853, when it was purchased by Messrs. J. J. and WT. Wilson,for the sum of 50007. (See the Article on Manufactures ina future page.) ( ASTLE DAIRY Text Appearing After Image: Stands on the north-west side of WTLdman Street, aboutfifty yards from Stramongate Bridge. It appears, from thename, to have been the milk farm belonging to the castle.In the house, there appears to have been a chapel, whichwas, most probably, appropriated to the husbandmen andmenial servants under the potent barons, in the plenitudeof their power.1 Dr. Bum says, there was a chapel at i It might also be placed here for the purpose of administering divine con.solation to the pilgrims who were about to undertake the perilous journeyover Shap-fells ; just, as in former times, divine service was pertormed inthe oratory upon Chapel island, near Ulverstone. to persons crossing thepauds.—Wests Antiquities of Furness, p. 15. CASTLE DAIRY. 99 the east end of Stramongate Bridge, called All HallowsChapel. But this appears to have been a mistake, forSpeeds Plan shows, that All Hallows Chapel stood at thehead of the lane which bears its name. The reference in BurnsHistory is evidently to the cha Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 6 years, 5 months ago
Viewed: 586 times
Picture Taken: 1861-01-01T00:00:00 -
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