Eskdale Mill - meal floor
"This shows the gear for the working set of stones. The pit wheel is seen at the back and drives the stones directly via a bevel wheel that can be lifted out of engagement. On the right is the tentering gear that raises and lowers a large curved wooden tentering beam. In the centre the meal spout delivers into a bucket elevator that takes the oatmeal back to the stone floor to pass through a jog scry. The output of the latter enters the wire machine on the left. It was nice to see some of the Cumbrian mills and I found the staff friendly." Photo by Chris Allen, 2017. -
Chris Allen -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 6 years, 4 months ago
Viewed: 392 times
Picture Taken: 2017-09-22 -
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