Holy Island area ranges - Ross Links
".... Ross Links has been associated with anti-tank training and was certainly in operation in 1948 as a Territorial Army practice was being held there. By 1958 the site was closed and being cleared by 523 Co. Pioneer Corp who recovered 6 tons of weaponry. Iterestingly the Links had a light railway system....I believe that Ross was the site of the moving target range...Certainly after WW2 it was used by the TA as an anti tank range and when Ross closed the engines and target trucks ended up on the anti tank range at Otterburn....." -
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Link: https://www.airfieldresearchgroup.org.uk/forum/bombing-ranges/2725-holy-island-area-ranges?jjj=1527623365688
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 6 years, 8 months ago
Viewed: 1522 times
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