The start of the gorge, Eggleston Burn
"After dropping 30m in two kilometres of fairly open valley, the Eggleston Burn enters the East Skears gorge which gives it its main entertainment value for canoeists. Here the gradient doubles to over 30m in a kilometre, with many boulder rapids and ledge drops. Seen here on a reconnaissance walk, the level is too low to offer good paddling, despite heavy overnight precipitation and the continuing intermittent sleet. Like most spate becks, the level comes up fast but drops off very soon after the rain stops and takes a lot of catching in condition. At a good level, the gorge is grade 3-4, rising to continuous full-on grade 4 in high water." Photo by Andy Waddington, 2010. -
Andy Waddington -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 6 years, 9 months ago
Viewed: 804 times
Picture Taken: 2010-11-11 -
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