Detail of former reservoir wall, Blaydon Burn
"The reservoir was built in the early C20th with unmarked red bricks. It was later partly repaired using bricks stamped with 'Cowen M'. These are fire-bricks made sometime after 1926 in Cowen's Brickworks at the east end of the valley. The factory, which opened in 1838, made 6 million fire-bricks a year. At that time a good hand moulder could make 2,400 bricks a day. The reservoir, now largely hidden by trees, may have supplied water for quenching coke, burned in ovens in the valley below, or as a general supply for Blaydon Burn Colliery. The Cowen Brick - probably the best brick in the world" Photo by Andrew Curtis, 2012. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 6 years, 9 months ago
Viewed: 568 times
Picture Taken: 2012-02-19 -
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