"Old Quarrington Quarry G.R 328379 was first opened in the 17th century. It is owned by Hepplewhites and managed by Mr.J.Bell. The rock is in 3 layers, 55 feet of limestone over 80 feet of soft sandstone separated by a thin layer of marl.The quarry employs 9 people plus 21 lorry drivers.The rock is ripped out by large machines. Amount quarried :-sand 200 tons per day for the building industry, limestone 500 tons per day mainly for roadworks. Many interesting fossils,including fish, are found,particularly in the marl layer.Mr.Bell found a previously unknown fossil of a conifer which was later named DURHAMI BELL.He received an Honorary Degree for his study of fossils.Beneath the sand is coal the company hope to quarry this one day...." -
BBC - Domesday Reloaded -
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Link: https://web.archive.org/web/20120830201505/http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/domesday/dblock/GB-432000-537000/page/2
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 6 months ago
Viewed: 801 times
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