Tyne River Quayside 4K Drone Mini-Tour (With Commentary) Newcastle | #EpicDroneClips .No.14
The Tyne River Quayside East 4K Drone Mini-Tour (With Commentary) Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. I just wanted to see if i could fly the course i mapped out in my head without having to make any cuts in edit due to jittery movements with the controller. Drone videos always look nice and smooth because most people Cut to the next scene in time with music, which is a really good way to disguise any Bad flying. trust me i know. It looks really noticeable when you make mistakes, the controls are extremely sensitive. They can be adjusted in settings using app, which i recommend all new pilots do. So yeah I filmed it in 4K, the ISO was ridiculous at 3200 with it being night time of course. I will let you be the judge of how much the noise effects the overall result. I did use some noise reduction but i was not happy with the loss in sharpness, so what you see here has had the white and black adjusted, a touch of vibrancy...and nothing else. (oh and a SCOTTISH commentary added, sorry about that) Ive already done a Quayside video i know, But it was done with lots of cuts and edits and had some crazy music (it was just some copyright free music i could find, i was in a rush to finish it) Watch it Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT-FQRd4kF0 So this time round Just a quiet little Mini-Tour on the East side of the Tyne bridge no music, just optional commentary. Please guys if you like these videos, Please hit the SUBSCRIBE button. Also if you 'thumbs up' and share this video, it really helps me out A LOT :) ★Subscribe HERE ►http://bit.ly/28NHwid (I am new to the YouTube scene so need all the help i can get.) I do what i do because i enjoy it and what means a lot to me is not any money to be made (although everyone needs to eat) or any YouTube fame....But its knowing People are happy to see my work. It feels good when people leave positive comments or remark about how they have seen something a million times, but never seen from the perspective i give them in my clips. Plus if YouTube lasts until the day i die, i will feel like im leaving a Little legacy behind...(A legacy of ... errr... Amateur Drone videos and cheesy vlogs!) This Really is my New passion, I love it, i enjoy Learning all the editing side of things and creating these videos, but they do take many hours to make. I would love to build a portfolio of work and eventually make a career from Aerial Work and Creating various videos. So if you would like to Donate it really will allow me to continue with this work i enjoy so much. All Donations go directly into Producing more content for this Channel and are possible Via: Patreon (if you would like to be an early sponsor for £1 a month): https://www.patreon.com/slammdunk (officially Launching 2017 TBC) Paypal (for one-off donation): https://www.paypal.me/SlammDunk Website Under construction and planning...watch it grow and perhaps get involved? http://www.slamm-dunk.com Also feel free to follow me on my journey via Social Media: Fail or succeed? the Ups and the Downs!...you can watch it all happen... Twitter: http://tinyurl.com/jtomfpd FB: http://tinyurl.com/jq4ya3k Instagram: http://tinyurl.com/hrdoxke Your feedback is much appreciated, even the haters (if you must). So leave your thoughts on this video in the comments below. email me direct: dunks1email@gmail.com Thank you for watching. thank you for being here. til next time.... Much love, Peace x -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "St Mary's Lighthouse 2 - The Wedding Drone (Whitley Bay) #EpicDroneClips No. 26" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKU6qwlVQ_k -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- -
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Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqweVIS4ff8
Resource type: Video
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 6 months ago
Viewed: 816 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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