Church of St. John, Healey village
"This is the parish church of the Healey area. The church was first built of nave and sanctuary alone in 1860. This part was designed by Major C.E. Davis of Bath. The tower was built later in 1890 - but re-used the original west window of the first church. The church is typical of the Victorian love for the imitation of Medieval styles. Here the style copied was Romanesque - this extends inside as well, such as can be seen with the font. There are a number of fine stained glass windows at this church. This is a Grade II Listed Building protected by law." Photo by Les Hull, 2015. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 6 months ago
Viewed: 579 times
Picture Taken: 2015-05-06 -
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