New window in St John's Church, Healey
"There are two recent additions to the splendid selection of stained glass windows in St John's Church, Healey. They were both installed in 2010 and commemorate the lives of Julian and Virginia Warde-Aldam. This one, created by James Hugonin, is made of 2160 small squares and rectangles of coloured antique glass sandwiched between two clear sheets, each of which is laser-etched with a grid. The other recent window by Anne Vibeke Mou is hand-engraved with a hard metal point; it comprises thousands of small marks punched into the surface of the glass. It does not, unfortunately, photograph well. These two windows won the 2011 "Art in a Religious Context" award from the charity Art and Christian Enquiry." Photo by Oliver Dixon, 2012. -
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Resource type: Image
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 7 years, 6 months ago
Viewed: 882 times
Picture Taken: 2012-07-21 -
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