Warkworth Hermitage

  • Description

    The Hermitage is reached by boat across the river Coquet. It was almost certainly established in about 1400 by the 1st Earl. Rather than a secluded dwelling for a religious recluse (hermit), it was in fact probably a chantry, or private chapel, where a priest performed services in return for a stipend. The chapel, with three vaulted bays, was carved directly out of the rock. To the right of the altar is a cluster of worn sculptures forming an almost life-size Nativity scene. The inner chamber was probably a closet from which the earl and his retinue could view the service, as there are viewing slits and windows cut in the wall adjoining the chapel.
  • Owner

  • Source

    Flickr (Flickr)
  • License

    What does this mean? Attribution-ShareAlike License
  • Further information

    Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/15181848@N02/33586401004/
    Resource type: Image
    Added by: Pat Thomson
    Last modified: 7 years, 4 months ago
    Viewed: 512 times
    Picture Taken: 2017-04-24T12:06:17
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