Allendale 1993 [0002-198]
Methodist Chapel with Wesley Cottage on the left (a one time Ale house until bought by the chapel for their caretaker). Situated in Shield Street and still in use. The first chapel on this site was built in 1760, this was rebuilt in 1839 and again in 1875. The pews were removed in in 1986 when the chapel was modernised. Refurbishment took place in 2001 after the building was flooded by a burst pipe during a very cold spell. Picture taken from ‘Methodism in the Allen Dales’ by Evelyn Charlton. Photograph in private ownership. For more information and to see the full archive go to" > -
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Last modified: 8 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 668 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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