Image from page 175 of "The founders; portraits of persons born abroad who came to the colonies in North America before the year 1701, with an introduction, biographical outlines and comments on the portraits" (1921)
Identifier: foundersportrait02bolt Title:">The founders; portraits of persons born abroad who came to the colonies in North America before the year 1701, with an introduction, biographical outlines and comments on the portraits Year:">1921 (">1920s) Authors:">Bolton, Charles Knowles, 1867-1950 Subjects:">Portraits, American">United States -- History Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 Biography Publisher:">[Boston] The Boston athenaeum Contributing Library:">New York Public Library Digitizing Sponsor:">MSN View Book Page:" >Book Viewer About This Book:" >Catalog Entry View All Images:">All Images From Book Click here to" >view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: hter of SirChristopher Wray, of Ashby, in Lincolnshire, by whom heleft seven sons and seven daughters. He became a memberof Parliament for Hull, joint treasurer of the navy, and afriend of Pym and Hampden; backed by Cromwell, he wasvirtually the civil leader of England from 1643 to 1653. Vane, young in years but In sage counsel old, at thetime when Cromwell broke up the Rump Parliament, wasin opposition to him, and retired to Raby Castle, where hewrote his Healing Question (1656), and was committedto prison for four months. After Cromwell died he re-turned to public life. Charles II said to Clarendon: He iscertainly too dangerous a man to let live, if we can honestlyput him out of the way. He was arrested, convicted oftreason, and executed on Tower Hill, 14 June, 1662.Pepys speaks of his miraculous courage on that unhappyday. His portrait was engraved by Faithorne. The NationalPortrait Gallery has a painting by William Dobson, re-produced in Butlers Historical Portraits, page 124. 492 Text Appearing After Image: > n I Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. -
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