Image from page 499 of "The railroad book of England: historical, topographical and picturesque; descriptive of the cities, towns, country seats, and other subjects of local interest. With a brief sketch of the lines in Scotland and Wales" (1851)
Identifier: railroadbookofen00chur Title:">The railroad book of England: historical, topographical and picturesque; descriptive of the cities, towns, country seats, and other subjects of local interest. With a brief sketch of the lines in Scotland and Wales Year:">1851 (">1850s) Authors:">Churton, Edward, d. 1885 Subjects:">Railroads Publisher:">London, E. Churton Contributing Library:">University of California Libraries Digitizing Sponsor:">Internet Archive View Book Page:" >Book Viewer About This Book:" >Catalog Entry View All Images:">All Images From Book Click here to" >view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: BOEULi&IIBRIDGf; HALL, ANDREW I.AWSON E!;Q. lamps, iUuuiinated manuscripts, and othcr_ rarities of the like kind, makethe place a perfect refledion of the olden times. N N N 2 460 DARLINGTON TO FROSTERLEY. BatUngton to dFroistcHcj), 3Left of Eailtoag from ISarlmuton. Darlington. (See p. 8C.)1 m. w. Heighington. i m. s. MiddbidgeGrange. West Auckland, a parish aud chapelry, in the parish of St. Helens, inthe division of Darlington, county of Durham. 5 in. s.w. DARLINGTON STATION. AYCLTFFE AND HEIGHINGTON STATION. SHELDEN JDNC.STATION. WEST AUCKLANDSTATION. BISHOP AUCK-LAND STA. Text Appearing After Image: RABY CASTLE, DUKE OF CLEVELAND. This magnificent baronial residence is situated on the east side of anextensive park, and occupies a fine position on a rising ground, with arocky foundation, and is surrounded by an embrasured wall and parapet,(mclosing two acres of land. The out^^■ard area of this nol)le castle hasbut one entrance, on the south side, Ijy a gateway, defended by two squaretowers, and flanked by a i)ara])et with tui-rets. The inner area has twoentrances, one modern, o])ciied by the late Earl of Darlington, the otherancient, being the original grand entrance to the castle. This noble pile isindebted for its splendour principally to John de Neville, Earl of West-moreland, who, in 1379, obtained a licence to make a castle of his manor ofRaby, and to embattle and crenellate its towers; some parts, however, areof infinitely more ancient date, while alterations have been effected atdifferent epochs by its subsequent possessors. Tlu; park, pleasure-grounds,aud ])lantations ac Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 8 years ago
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