Newcastle upon Tyne town defences: section of curtain wall including St Andrew's Tower and section of town ditch
"The monument is situated within St Andrew's churchyard between St Andrew's Street and Newgate Street. It includes the upstanding and buried remains of part of the town defences of Newcastle upon Tyne. The section of town defences between St Andrew's Street and Newgate Street represents part of the northern side of the circuit and includes two detached upstanding lengths of curtain wall including the remains of three turrets, the buried remains of a length of curtain wall and the buried remains of a tower. Outside of the wall there are the buried remains of parts of the berm and town ditch. The two upstanding lengths of town wall and the turrets are Listed Buildings Grade I...." -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 8 years, 2 months ago
Viewed: 639 times
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