Memories of Cambois and Beyond
"Depending on the company you're in or who you are trying to impress, the pronunciation of this village's name can, and has, varied over the years. 'Camboys' is popular. 'Cambwa' (as the French) has been heard, but as the famed bell ringers of the place will tell you, 'Cammus' is the name. Ancient maps give varying titles but 'Camus' is the oldest found and 'Cambhouse' and Kamhus' are popular too.It is possible the name is derived from 'cambion', a place or house used for trading. Alternatively 'camus' is a bend or crook and could refer to the bay. The present 'Cambois' is on most maps from 1700 onwards and this is probably from the adoption of the Gaelic spelling. Cambois covers a two mile stretch along the coast from the estuaries of the River Blyth in the south to the Wansbeck in the north. The ancient history of the township centres around the north end and there is evidence of a chapel there in 1204.... -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 8 years, 3 months ago
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