Roman Fortlet, Chew Green
["The situation of Chew Green and Gamelspath amid those breezy uplands at Coquethead, lying in the very heart of the Cheviots, far removed from the route of the ordinary traveller, is extremely remote. Isolated from the outer world by many miles of 'mountain, moss, and moor,' its all-pervading stillness, broken only by the bleating of the hill-sheep and the plaintive cry of the curlew and the plover, conveys to the mind a feeling of impressive solitude. Yet there was a time when this lone spot resounded to the clang of weapons and the tramp of armed men; when the trained legions of the Romans marched along the newly-made Watling Street [correctly, Dere Street] and garrisoned the camp below; when the moors around was the scene of many a sanguinary struggle, where now the bent and purple heath hides the stain of ancient battle." David Dippie Dixon in Upper Coquetdale (1903).] Photo of info c/o Andrew Curtis, 2013, and licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons Licence. -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 8 years, 4 months ago
Viewed: 888 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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