George Stephenson's First Steam Locomotive

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  • Description

    Short article by Richard Cavendish in History Today Volume 64 Issue 7 July 2014. "A milestone in transportation was reached on July 25th, 1814. Within a few years of his death in 1848 George Stephenson was called ‘the father of the railways’, but that accolade has been challenged because there were other engineers involved in the development of the world’s first railway system. The most notable was Robert Trevithick, a Cornishman, who in 1803 built the first steam locomotive to run on rails..."
  • Owner

    History Today
  • Source

    Local (Co-Curate)
  • License

    What does this mean? Unknown license check permission to reuse
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    Resource type: Text/Website
    Added by: Simon Cotterill
    Last modified: 7 years, 9 months ago
    Viewed: 766 times
    Picture Taken: Unknown
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Co-Curate is a project which brings together online collections, museums, universities, schools and community groups to make and re-make stories and images from North East England and Cumbria. Co-Curate is a trans-disciplinary project that will open up 'official' museum and 'un-officia'l co-created community-based collections and archives through innovative collaborative approaches using social media and open archives/data.