St Andrew's, Crook, Methodist / UR Church
Official Website of the Church "Crook Dawson Street Methodist URC Church is set in the busy market town of Crook, the gateway to the beautiful countryside of Weardale in County Durham. The Church, formerly Crook Central Methodist Church built in 1868, is a Grade II* listed building seating around 200, in the Crook Conservation Area and 100 yards from the Market Place - postcode DL15 8NH As a Local Ecumenical Partnership, we are part of the West Durham Circuit of the Methodist Church and part of the County Durham Mission Partnership of the United Reformed Church...." -
St Andrew's, Crook, Methodist / UR Church -
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Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 8 years, 6 months ago
Viewed: 983 times
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