Arbeia....West Gate Reconstruction....Internal View
Originally built during the reign of Hadrian c.AD129, Arbeia was the easternmost garrison fort of Hadrian's Wall, guarding a small seaport on the south bank of the Tyne Estuary near its outlet into the North Sea at South Shields. The first two units stationed here were both auxiliary cavalry 'wings', each containing around five-hundred troopers. In AD208 the emperor Septimius Severus launched a series of campaigns against the troublesome Scottish tribes, and the fort at Arbeia underwent a radical change in its usage. The cavalry was withdrawn from the fort to be used in the emperor's campaigns throughout the Caledonian Highlands, which were replaced at South Shields by an auxiliary infantry cohort (600 footsoldiers) This change in military function was accompanied by a period of rebuilding, during which the infrastructure of the fort was considerably altered to facilitate the new regime. The written evidence then suggests that the fort seemed to have been temporarily abandoned towards the end of the third century A.D, and not re-used until the end of the fourth century, when Arbeia seems again to have been put to use as a massive grain storehouse, with its contents being shipped periodically inland along the course of the River Tyne and its tributaries, and also supplyng the soldiers stationed in the 17 forts along Hadrians Wall with all their military needs from its armoury." > -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 8 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 997 times
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