Private Joseph Alon* VIPOND 25756
Training Unit Died 10 July 1916 NZ Expeditionary Forces Aged 27 Death: At Izard's Hospital, Upper Hutt of Pneumonia following measles[1] His Cenotaph database record:" > His Commonwealth War Graves Commission record:" > His military records are digitised and available online to read - note different spelling of second name:" > His probate is available:" > Joseph VIPOND Jnr Block 1 Row 1 Plot 72D Seq 1 Born 28 August 1888 Cause of death: Severe measles complicated by bronchopneumonia and (surgical) emphysema Died: Izards Hospital, Lower Hutt, North Island Military service number 25756 Occupation before enlist: Farmer Rodney and Otamatea Times, Waitemata and Kaipara Gazette , 12 July 1916, Page 4 PASSING OF PRIVATE JOSEPH VIPOND. Readers will all feel regret to hear of the death of Private Joseph Vipond, of the Seventeenth Reinforcements, which occurred on Monday afternoon. All the members of G company (which includes all the Rodney boys but two) had influenza soon after reaching Trentham. Vipond got measles on top of it, and then pneumonia, and finally had to be removed to the Upper Hutt Hospital. His people were wired for, and were with him at, the end. We extend to them our sincere sympathy. Rodney and Otamatea Times, Waitemata and Kaipara Gazette , 19 July 1916, Page 4 THE PASSING OF PRIVATE JOSEPH VIPOND. There was general regret throughout the district when particulars of the death of Private Joseph Vipond, 17th Reinforcements, became known. His mother and father returned on Wednesday last, and received many expressions of sympathy. The funeral took place in Matakana cemetery on Saturday afternoon, when there was a large and representative attendance. The weather was dreadful: It had been arranged that the body should be brought to Kawau. by the s.s. Kawau, and conveyed thence by launch to Matakana. The gale was so strong that this impossible. The Kawau could not proceed on her usual journey to Mangawai, and went into Sandspit Matakana Lower where the body was landed. The principal part of the service took place in the Anglican Church, Matakana, the Vicar of Warkworth conducting it there, as also at the graveside. The military took part in the funeral, but under circumstances (without arms) that did not allow them to make the ceremony as impressive as is usually the case. However, Private Joseph Vipond was laid to rest with every mark of respect and sympathy for his people. He has done his duty by his country, and given his life In her cause, just as much as though he had died from a bullet In the trenches. He fills an honored [sic] soldier's grave. REPRESENTATIVE'S TRIBUTE. Mr Walter Campbell, representative of Matakana on the Rodney County Council, in conversation with the Rodney and Otamatea Times representative, voiced the opinion of the district on the deceased soldier. 'He was a man in whom I and others had the fullest confidence in respect of anything he undertook, and at the same time we liked him well on account of his many pleasant qualities. There is no one in the district who could stand higher in general esteem than the late Joey Vipond. We feel his death very much, particularly in view of the circumstances of it." Rodney and Otamatea Times, Waitemata and Kaipara Gazette , 16 August 1916, Page 5 The audience appreciated the tribute paid to the late Private Joseph VIPOND by a speaker at the Warkworth social on Monday night. He was “a soldier and a man.”. His military records are available to read online:" > References: *Alon in Cenotaph database and Archives NZ but Alan on military records. [1] Military records -
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