Football at the Front
Fascination of the Game for North-Country S? Pte. J Arkless "D" Company, 11th Inniskillings, has sent an account of a football match played "Somewhere in France" on Sunday, Nov 7, between players from 11th Inniskilling Fusiliers and a team of "Aircraft Park" corps of aviators. The writer who was formerly of Newcastle East End and Wingate Temperance A.F.C., played at left half in the match. AE the players had just come back from the fighting lines for "rest" and the narrative shows the fascination football has for the gallant lads. There are many soldiers from the Up-Tyne district in the "Skins" and our readers will recognise several local footballers in the teams. The players were. Inniskilligns - Taggart, goal; McClay and Gardner, backs; Cpl. Hutchinson, Sergt. Hutchinson and Arkless, half-backs; Musgrove, Lowes, Lieut. W.S. Williamson, Bingham and Somerville, forwards. Aircraft Park - Caswell, goal; Cpt. E. A. Smith and F.G. Thompson, backs; C. Thompson, Cpl. Marriner, and Flight Sergt C. Atwood, half-backs; W. Thompson, Robertson, Corpl. A. Hawley, Cousins and Hooper, forwards. The drum and fife band of the Inniskillings was in attendance, and played selections during the game. The game ended in a draw of two goals each. This photograph was published in the Illustrated Chronicle on the 23rd of November 1915. During the Great War the Illustrated Chronicle published photographs of soldiers and sailors from Newcastle and the North East of England, which had been in the news. The photographs were sent in by relatives and give us a glimpse into the past. The physical collection held by Newcastle Libraries comprises bound volumes of the newspaper from 1910 to 1925. We are keen to find out more about the people in the photographs. If you recognise anyone in the images please comment below. Copies of this photograph may be ordered from us, for more information see:" > Please make a note of the image reference number above to help speed up your order. -
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Last modified: 8 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 758 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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