Westerton (County Durham) - Local History
"Westerton is a small village to the south of Spennymoor. The earliest settlers in this area were probably of Mesolithic date. These earliest inhabitants would have been simple hunter and gatherers living of nature. It is possible that one of their small flint tools has been found here. Farming was introduced in the Neolithic period and developed throughout the Bronze Age. By the Iron Age there was a probably a network of small fields and enclosed settlements of round-houses. The cropmarks of an enclosure may be all that remains one of these early farmsteads. ..." -
Keys to the Past (Durham & Northumbria County Councils) -
Local (Co-Curate) -
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Further information
Link: http://www.keystothepast.info/article/10339/Site-Detailsx?PRN=D6901
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 9 years, 4 months ago
Viewed: 863 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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