As it is a nice sunny afternoon I made for Corbridge and went for a brief walk-a-bout, I have often passed through on the bus to Carlisle but have never explored this pretty town. Obviously part of the once-upon-a-time Corbridge water supply this old well structure is sited opposite the Angel Hotel. I was intrigued by the word "pant", which I assume describes a well, not sure what exactly"pant" denotes and a quick Google didn't help either. I suppose that on a hot day you might be "panting" for a drink, but I fancy that would be a bit of etymological over-reach! The blue plaque reads: MAIN STREET PANT Erected by public subscription in 1818 it was one of four pants supplied by a spring at the east end of the village. The same spring supplied water to the market place by lead pipes as early as the mid 13th. century. The supply was discontinued in 1973. -
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Added by: Pat Thomson
Last modified: 8 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 787 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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