Tyne and Wear HER(6558): Newcastle, Haymarket and Sidgate (Percy Street)
"Extension of medieval market street (Newgate Street/Bigg Market) which joined the extension of Pilgrim Street (Northumberland Street), crossing the Pandon Burn at Barras Bridge. First named Sinedgate (13th century-14th century), corrupted to Sidgate up until 18th century. Named Percy Street in 18th century. Described as a causeway by Gray in the 17th century. Most medieval property transactions here only refer to fields. Speed's representation of 1610 shows solid rows of houses on both sides of Percy Street and Northumberland Street as far north as Barras Bridge - a pre-Civil War expansion of the suburb perhaps in 16th century, gone by the 18th century...." -
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Link: http://twsitelines.info/SMR/6558
Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 9 years, 4 months ago
Viewed: 791 times
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