Coatham Mundeville Conservation Area - Character Appraisal
Detailed document by Darlington Borough Council - including maps, photos, and detailed history. "The earliest known reference to the settlement is contained in a document of AD 1200 in which it is referred to as “Cotum super Scryne” (or “super Seyrum” according to William Fordyce, writing in 1857). JR Boyle, writing in 1892, concluded that COT = cottage and HAM = dwelling, fold or enclosed possession. The Amundeville family were given Cotum super Scryne in recognition of the family’s allegiance to William the Conqueror during the Norman Conquest, and hence force gave a new second name to the settlement...." -
Darlington Borough Council -
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Resource type: Text/Website
Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 9 years, 4 months ago
Viewed: 951 times
Picture Taken: Unknown -
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