Frosterley Marble (Great Limestone, Mississippian; Rogerley Quarry, England)
"Frosterley Marble" from the Mississippian of Britain. (field of view 12.5 cm across) In the commercial decorative stone trade, “marble” is used to refer to a wide variety of relatively soft rocks (H = 3 to 5) that will take a fine polish. These include true marbles and rocks that aren’t marbles, such as limestones, tectonic breccias, and serpentinites. True limestones are calcitic biogenic and ~chemical sedimentary rocks. "Frosterley Marble" is a fossiliferous limestone from Rogerley Quarry at Frosterley, Durham County, northern England. The large, light gray-brown colored, rounded objects in the rock are fossil rugose corals (“horn corals”) - Dibunophyllum bipartitum (M’Coy, 1849) (Animalia, Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Rugosa, Streptelasmatina, Zaphrenticae, Aulophyllidae). This coral species is commonly encountered in the Great Limestone, a lower Upper Mississippian unit (upper Visean Stage/upper Asbian Stage, Lower Carboniferous, ~329-330 million years) in northern England. -
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Added by: Peter Smith
Last modified: 8 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 1854 times
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