Nora Jane McCartney alias Marcella Turnbull alias Bulman
Name: Nora Jane McCartney alias Marcella Turnbull alias Bulman Arrested for: Larceny Arrested at: North Shields Police Station Arrested on: 4 April 1905 Tyne and Wear Archives ref: DX1388-1-37-Nora Jane McCartney AKA Turnbul AKA Bulman The Shields Daily Gazette for 5 April 1905 reports: "NORTH SHIELDS WOMAN SENT TO GAOL Nora Jane McCarthy (39), no fixed abode, was charged at North Shields with stealing three pairs of combinations, value 14s, on the 14th ult, and further with stealing 2s 2d the money of Mary Watson, laundry woman, Church Street, on the same date. Mrs Watson said the garments were part of a washing. Accused had assisted in the washing and went to the owner to deliver them. She received 2s 2d in payment and when the clothes were examined the combinations were missed. She also kept the money. Other evidence having been given, Inspector Proud proved the arrest. Accused, who pleaded guilty, was committed to prison for six weeks on each charge, one sentence to follow the other". These images are a selection from an album of photographs of prisoners brought before the North Shields Police Court between 1902 and 1916 in the collection of Tyne & Wear Archives (TWA ref DX1388/1). Copyright) We're happy for you to share this digital image within the spirit of The Commons. Please cite 'Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums' when reusing. Certain restrictions on high quality reproductions and commercial use of the original physical version apply though; if you're unsure please email -
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