Elsie Newlands alias O'Reilly, arrested for stealing boots
Name: Elsie Newlands alias O'Reilly Arrested for: not given Arrested at: North Shields Police Station Arrested on: 15 February 1906 Tyne and Wear Archives ref: DX1388-1-39-Elsie Newlands AKA O Reilly For an image of her accomplice Margaret Harker see https://www.flickr.com/photos/twm_news/16822680419/in/album-72157628700735401/">www.flickr.com/photos/twm_news/16822680419/in/album-72157.... The Shields Daily News for 15 February 1906 reports: "LARCENY OF BOOTS AT NORTH SHIELDS. TWO WOMEN SENT TO PRISON At the North Shields Police Court this morning before Dr Peart and Mr J. B. Williamson, Elsie Newlands (22) and Margaret Harker, alias Carr (28), of no fixed abode, were severally charged with stealing, on the 11th ult, from a shop door, situate at 25 Saville Street West, two pairs of boots of the value of 13s 10d, the property of the Realization Boot Company. The manager of the prosecutor's shop stated that on the 18th ult, about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, he observed the two pair of blutcher boots hanging outside the door. At 5 o'clock the same afternoon witness missed the boots, which he valued at 13s 10d. The pair of boots produced by the police was one of the pairs taken from the shop door. George Stewart, manager for Mr C. D. Merkel, pawnbroker, Clive Street, said the woman Newlands came to his master's place of business and offered a new pair of boots in pledge. Observing that they had not been worn, and his suspicions being aroused, he questioned the woman as to where she got them. She said they belonged to her friend's husband and witness told her to go and bring the friend in. Newlands then left the shop and later returned with the other prisoner and a man. The latter two bore out Newlands' story, but witness did not believe them, and declining to advance anything upon the boots detained them and subsequently gave information to the police. PC Radcliffe. a plain clothes officer, deposed to going to Stockton and receiving the first prisoner - Newlands - into custody. On charging her with the offence she replied, "I only tried to pledge the boots for the other woman." That morning witness proceeded to Durham and apprehended the other woman on her release from gaol there, and bringing her to North Shields placed her alongside Newlands and then jointly charged them with the offence. Newlands said "No, we are not guilty of that, are we?" The other replying, "No, we are not." The accused had been acting together at Stockton, and lived together in common lodging houses at North Shields. The Chief Constable (Mr John H Huish) said Newlands made her first appearance before the magistrates as far as he knew, but belonged to a bad school. The other woman made her 41st appearance, having been convicted at Stockton, Middlesbrough, South Shields and Newcastle for various offences. Newlands was sent to prison for 14 days and Harker for one month, both with hard labour." These images are a selection from an album of photographs of prisoners brought before the North Shields Police Court between 1902 and 1916 in the collection of Tyne & Wear Archives (TWA ref DX1388/1). (Copyright) We're happy for you to share this digital image within the spirit of The Commons. Please cite 'Tyne & Wear Archives & Museums' when reusing. Certain restrictions on high quality reproductions and commercial use of the original physical version apply though; if you're unsure please email archives@twmuseums.org.uk. -
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