St Aidan of Lindisfarne
Today, 31 August, is the feast of St Aidan (Aodhán) who was born in Ireland and became a monk of Iona. When King Oswald of Northumbria asked for help in converting his kingdom, Aidan was sent there and established his monastery on the island of Lindisfarne. Assisted by King Oswald and by his successor King Oswy, he preached the Gospel, founded churches and monasteries, and freed slaves throughout the kingdom. He died at Bamburgh in Northumberland in 651. He is venerated for his simplicity and poverty, for his love of prayer and the scriptures, and for his care of the sick and the poor. With him are remembered today all the holy abbots and bishops, teachers, and missionaries who made Lindisfarne a cradle of English Christianity. This icon of the saint is in St Aidan's Catholic church on Lindisfarne. -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 8 years, 1 month ago
Viewed: 1067 times
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