Topics > Religion

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
069210:Mosque St. Stephen's Parish Elswick? Newcastle upon Tyne Unknown 1961/2
Pinned by Katherine Lloyd

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
049169:Ravensworth Terrace Synagogue Ravensworth Terrace Newcastle upon Tyne Unknown 1977
Pinned by Katherine Lloyd

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
008408:Jesmond Synagogue Eskdale Terrace Jesmond Unknown 1912
Pinned by Katherine Lloyd

Watercolour sketch of two men talking
- Caption reads: ""Serious thing about old Solomons Screw!"" ""Eh? Matter?"" ""Oh! Some one dropped half a sovereign coming out o' the synagogue, an' he was killed in the crush.""
Added by
Katherine Lloyd

  Co-Curate Page
Benwell Temple of Antenociticus
- Overview About Antenociticus Map Street View "The fort at Benwell, which was occupied throughout most of the Roman period by the cavalry regiment ala I Asturum, is no longer visible. …

  Co-Curate Page
Churches and Chapels of Newcastle
- Extract from: History, Topography, and Directory of Northumberland...Whellan, William, & Co, 1855. CHURCHES All the town and county of Newcastle-upon-Tyne is included in the parish of St. Nicholas, with …

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
069210:Mosque St. Stephen's Parish Elswick? Newcastle upon Tyne Unknown 1961/2
Pinned by Katherine Lloyd

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
049169:Ravensworth Terrace Synagogue Ravensworth Terrace Newcastle upon Tyne Unknown 1977
Pinned by Katherine Lloyd

from Newcastle libraries (flickr)
008408:Jesmond Synagogue Eskdale Terrace Jesmond Unknown 1912
Pinned by Katherine Lloyd

Watercolour sketch of two men talking
- Caption reads: ""Serious thing about old Solomons Screw!"" ""Eh? Matter?"" ""Oh! Some one dropped half a sovereign coming out o' the synagogue, an' he was killed in the crush.""
Added by
Katherine Lloyd

  Co-Curate Page
Benwell Temple of Antenociticus
- Overview About Antenociticus Map Street View "The fort at Benwell, which was occupied throughout most of the Roman period by the cavalry regiment ala I Asturum, is no longer visible. …