Newsham Beck

  • Description

    "Newsham Beck rises in farmland at Stainton Grove, NE of Barnard Castle and flows to join Langley Beck near Selaby Hall, at no time flowing anywhere near Newsham, a village some eight kilometres to the south. The village from which it gets its name is Little Newsham, but apart from the village itself, nothing in the vicinity seems to want to use the adjective "little". Must be an inferiority complex working here. A public footpath crosses the beck via a footbridge just downstream of this point, but the footpath becomes completely invisible on this side of the beck, and it is not at all obvious where the path is supposed to cross the fence and the old railway trackbed just to the north." Photo by Andy Waddington (2010) and licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons Licence.
  • Owner
  • Source

    Geograph (Geograph)
  • License

    What does this mean? Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)
  • Further information

    Resource type: Text/Website
    Added by: Simon Cotterill
    Last modified: 9 years, 11 months ago
    Viewed: 793 times
    Picture Taken: Unknown
  • Co-Curate tags


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Co-Curate is a project which brings together online collections, museums, universities, schools and community groups to make and re-make stories and images from North East England and Cumbria. Co-Curate is a trans-disciplinary project that will open up 'official' museum and 'un-officia'l co-created community-based collections and archives through innovative collaborative approaches using social media and open archives/data.