The Life of Joseph Hunter
Joseph Hunter was my greatx5 grandfather and family history supposes that he wrote the original version of Blaydon Races, rather than Geordie Ridley. Joseph was a Methodist ranter (who stood outside in the middle of Newcastle quoting the bible for all to hear) and poet. He worked at Lord Armstrong's Elswick Works, where he was well known as being able to make up a poem on the spot about any subject. He was known as 'The Elswick Poet'. He knew Geordie Ridley, because Geordie lived at The Egypt Cottage on City Road, which Joseph's daughter ran. Joseph died a pauper and was buried at Rye Hill. Unfortunately, after his death, his possessions were lost in a fire, so we have no real way of knowing the truth. The document I have uploaded is a pamphlet called 'The Life Of Joseph Hunter', written by Thomas Menzies, published in 1899. It was published to try to build a memorial for Joseph. Unfortunately, not enough copies were sold. There are also two interviews with my great, great grandmother, Mary Mellor about Joseph. The first, an article from the Evening Chronicle, dated October 23 1959 and the second an interview from The Newtonian magazine, dated October 1961. -
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Added by: Max Mellor
Last modified: 9 years, 10 months ago
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