Image from page 152 of "A Reference handbook of the medical sciences embracing the entire range of scientific and practical medicine and allied science" (1900)
Identifier: referencehandboo08buckuoft Title:">A Reference handbook of the medical sciences embracing the entire range of scientific and practical medicine and allied science Year:">1900 (">1900s) Authors:">Buck, Albert H. (Albert Henry), 1842-1922 Subjects:">Medicine -- Dictionaries Publisher:">New York W. Wood and company Contributing Library:">Gerstein - University of Toronto Digitizing Sponsor:">MSN View Book Page:" >Book Viewer About This Book:" >Catalog Entry View All Images:">All Images From Book Click here to" >view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: ; that is, the avoidanceof syphilitic contamination and the capability of indefi-nite multiplication of vaccine material. The possibility has been suggested of communicationof bovine disease other than vaccinia, especially of tuber-culosis of the cow. Tuberculosis is known to be inocu-lable, as demonstrated by Villemin, and more recently bythe experiments of Kocli and many other experimenters.Inoculated tuberculosis starts from the point of its in-sertion, as shown by experimentation upon the guinea-pig, rabbit, and other animals. It may be transmittedby means of the tubercle bacilli present in a tubercleitself, in the blood of an infected animal, or in the airexhaled from a diseased lung. Lpon this point Dr.Warlomont sa_ys; The importance of these facts as re-lated to bovine, as well as to humanized vaccination, isworthy of consideration, and one factshould be stated atthe outset, that it is impossible to inoculate tubercle bymeans of m/perfcin? innertionoi bacilli which is the usual Text Appearing After Image: Fiii. 4931.—Cliarging Ivuiy IuuiU. lUy i.timission of the U. K. .MlUI^U Lvrnpiiu;. rial which it is practicable to obtain from a healthy in-fant, is very large. Prom two thousand to ten thousand charges of effectivelymph upon ivorj- points is not an unusual quantity tobe taken from a single heifer, and nearly equal quantitiescan be procured under modern methods iu which the method of the insertion of vacciue lymph. The latterdevelop very slowly, and canuot, like those of splenicblood, rapidly infect a small wound. If we desire tomake au animal tuberculous, we must carry the bacillideeply into the tissues. Thus it is explained why it Isthat 110 one has been infected while making autopsies of 137 Vaccination.Vaccination. REFERENCE HANDBOOK OF THE iMEDICAL SCIENCES. tuberoiilous sul)jects. Thus, a fortiori, is it explainedw))y no one lias Ivor been infected with tuberciilosisthroufjli vaeeinatidn. ... So nuieli for theory; now forthe ])raetiee. Jjet them show, anionj; the millions ofsu Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. -
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Added by: Simon Cotterill
Last modified: 8Â years ago
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