Image from page 363 of "The earth and its inhabitants .." (1881)
Identifier: earthitsinhabita481recl Title:">The earth and its inhabitants .. Year:">1881 (">1880s) Authors:">Reclus, Elisée, 1830-1905">Ravenstein, Ernest George, 1834-1913">Keane, A. H. (Augustus Henry), 1833-1912 Subjects:">Geography Publisher:">New York, D. Appleton and company Contributing Library:">MBLWHOI Library Digitizing Sponsor:">Boston Library Consortium Member Libraries View Book Page:" >Book Viewer About This Book:" >Catalog Entry View All Images:">All Images From Book Click here to" >view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book. Text Appearing Before Image: llyowing to the large size of the farms and the leases which secure to the tenants thefull results of their labour. The great coal-field which extends across the Tyne to 204 THE BRITISH ISLES. the sou-coast has materuiUy uddetl to the wealth of wliat would otherwise be apurely agricultural county, and given rise to important industries. Of these theconstruction of machinery, the building of iron ships, and the making and foundingof iron take the lead, and in comparison with them the potteries, glass houses,brass foundries, artificial manure works, and paper-mills are comparativelyunimportant. yciccasflc-0)i-Tt/ne, with its satellite towns, forms one of the greatest agglomera-tions of houses and factories in England. The Tyne between it and the sea, 8miles below, resembles an elongated dock rather than a river, and its quays are atall times crowded with shipping. Towns and groups of factories succeed each Fig. 146.—SUNDEKI-AND, NeAVCASTLE, AND THE MoUTH OF TUE TyNE.Scale 1 : 250,000. Text Appearing After Image: Depth under 5Fathoms 2 Miles. other in rapid succession along both banks of the river, and at night their flaringfurnaces present a scene of uncanny grandeur. Opposite Newcastle, as alreadyremarked, lies Gateshead ; then come the houses of Felling, likewise on theDurham bank ; whilst the opposite shore is lined by the alkali and vitriol works ofWalker. A bend in the river brings us within sight of Willington Quay, wherethe Roman Ser/edunum stood formerly, and of Walhend, at the eastern extremityof the Roman wall. Houdeu Pans comes next, with ship-yards and tar and varnishfactories. Near it, at Hayhole, are the Northumberland Docks, and beyond thesewe reach North Shields, a great coal-shipping port, also largely engaged in ship-building, anchor forging, and the making of pottery. Tynemouth rises at the verymouth of the Tyne, and though enclosed with Shields within the same municipal NOETHUMBEELAND. 295 boundary, it is a separate town, aspiring to be called the Brighton of the North.The Note About Images Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work. -
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